Lets put our hands forrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr wrestlemania, yes its true , its big ,
its HD,but not that great , may be the worsrt wrestlemania ever, wrestlemania 23 was much better!!!!!!
lets take you to the matches- finaly vs JBL(wrestling god???)-a truely wrestlemania match but , very short, but convincing enough as usual JBL got the opening and converted to a royal
victory over finally , but both gave royal beatings to each other, but it was bradshaw's day!

then comes the main attraction of event money in the bank ladder match , though the match was full of high flying risk taking , but it was understood that jericho was waiting to give the briefcase to c.m. punk , but vince gave the twist as he introduced matt hardy to demolish m.v.p(so called highly paid wrestler), ya it was c.m. punk who got the money*
then it was most awaited , career threatening match of ric vs shawn , i dont know why wwe was doing it in bollywood way(predy emotional)finally ric ended his carrier happily, but it was shawn micheal who was doin a bit of overacting in the role (oh shawn why do you do this , for this you get trained ?????)
playboy matches are not for wrestling or ramp style show off, they are there to just let you know that wwe is bigger than playboy, can bring celebrities like snoop dog(who was snooping all over maria after the match)
oh its time for the triple threat , trust me if you are a fan of cena or HHH better dont read after this, during the match both were showing as if it was there day to prove and they gonna win it , but suddenly they just go weak n crashes , i mean imagine cena gettin knockd out for pedegree n waitin for randy orton to cover it , and HHH oh my god he was out of the track so foolish , it was clearly seen that they both were doin pure acting n because of that match couldn't get any nicer than a foolish threat
now its the best fighter vs biggest athelit , why do you want to give hype of 20 million when mr mcmohan is gonna earn only 36 millns from the event , even though knuckles used by maywether was a good twist but it all n all turned into a dumb match
now why do you watch wrestlemania 24? we hav the reason , undertaker vs edge , a really nicely done , rehearsed match , complete entertainment for audience, finally undertaker showed that why he is in this industry , credit goes to edge also who made it happen finally it was 16-0
during whole wrestlemania i liked the theme song by red hot chili peppers , its called snow, do listen ok , pls do not get carried away afterall it is world wrestling ENTERTAINMENT
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